How does it work?
The whole secret is that the water that fills the pools of the complex comes directly from wells with a depth of 1200 m. Water is not subjected to technical or chemical treatment. And thanks to this, guests of the complex have the opportunity to experience the healing power of thermal water.
The hot waters of our complex come from igneous intrusions in areas of active volcanic terrain, which is rich in Beregovo region.
25-40℃ Water temperature in thermal pools
The pools use running water supply, full water exchange occurs in 1-3 days (depending on the size of the pool bowl). Thermal water is highly mineralized, so it does not require special disinfection. The sides and bottom of the pool are cleaned regularly when the water is completely drained. Water in thermal pools has a mouth of 56-58 ° C, so it does not require special heating, but on the contrary, is cooled to a comfortable temperature. The thermal water just extracted from the ground is transparent, but when it interacts with oxygen, it turns brown, as if rusty. The specific smell of thermal water is due to the presence in its composition of hydrogen sulfide, which when it comes to the surface oxidizes and decomposes immediately.
Advantages of thermal pools
The real pride, a special concern of the staff of the complex is the thermal water. It has unique health and healing properties. This effect is achieved due to the fact that the pools are filled with natural mineral water directly from thermal wells.
57℃temperature at the mouth of the source
Chemical storage of thermal water (mg/m3)
- Chloridi 10 786,7
- Hydrocarbonates 1342,4
- Sulfati 165.01
- Sodium-potassium 135.05
- calcium 100,2
- Magnesium 36,48
- Fluorine, iodine 10
- Amonius 0,8
- Oxy silicon 24
- РН, sіrvoday 6,4
- Mineralization 24
М24 * Ct81 CH3 13 SO4 6 / (Na+K) 96Ca 2 pH64C Salt warehouse formula
Recommended for diseases:
Musculoskeletal system (arthritis, osteoarthritis, polyarthritis, osteochondrosis, consequences of damage to bones, muscles and tendons); CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM (HYPOTONIA, HYPERTENSION I-II DEGREE, ATHEROSCLEROSIS, PHLEBITIS); NERVOUS SYSTEM (Radiculitis, Sciatica, Neurosis, Neurasthenia, Migraine, Insomnia). IT WILL ALSO BE USEFUL TO THOSE WHO:- Obesity
- Diabetes
- Gout
- Sinusitis
- Bronchial asthma
Important to know!
- take a shower before visiting the pool and jacuzzi
- entrance to the pool in bathing suits
- keep quiet
- Children up to 150 cm are allowed in the pool only in swim sleeve
- in case of ill health immediately notify the staff of the health complex
- do not jump into the pool from the sides, as there are concrete seats in the water
- be drunk;
- bring and drink alcoholic beverages;
- use glass dishes;
- use showers for personal hygiene (shaving, washing personal belongings);
- be unaccompanied by minor children;
- bring animals
- bring flammable and explosive substances
- The administration is not responsible for the safety of items (towels, rubber slippers, etc.) left unattended.
- For first aid and counseling, you can contact the nurse at the pool reception.
- Vacationers of our complex are insured against accidents.
- Sunbeds and gazebos are in free use.